G#1 is at AWANA camp, but G#2 says she'd study art or math. G#3 says he'd stick with spelling or math.
Don't be deceived, I'm not deleting science or history for either. But, is there a way to teach either with math, spelling or art? Yep, & I'm almost ready to start their 6th year of home education. Very soon.
This blog is about their education. It's a bit of an open house every time you check in to the site. We're constantly examining the fact that "to whom much is given much is expected." (Lk 12:48) And, Thank you for your support :-)
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Science is EASY in Summertime

My 3Gs are traveling and involved in many activities this summer. Each is being blessed by an individual's week with the Utah grandparents. There was vbs at our church for a week and drama camp at another church for a week. There was an experience for one to do a culinary camp and another to do an art camp with friends. There are visits with friends, library reading time and swim time. There is an opportunity to visit the Iowa grandparents for a county fair experience. Rarely are all three children here together during the summer. I wanted to do a little school during the summer which included math practice and science interactions. My goal was to work through simple Janice VanCleave Earth Science and Astronomy experiments as far as possible because there won't be time to try any of these during the school year with Elemental Science's Logic Stage ESA. I LOVE Earth Science and Astronomy. I'm delighted with how it relates to other studies and how the topics are ever present in daily life. I endure discussions of my three tween children in order to persevere for science experiments. It's so worth it when they share what they saw with each other as one travels away. They will refer back to some of these experiments we are attempting even if it's not all 101 ideas from the book. And, it isn't torture to do a simple experience with household materials for a few minutes each day that may even be individual work causing more pride in their own work.
Are you trying any school this summer? Are you in a hurry to start the next school year?