At some point in early July and before the end of the World Cup on Sunday, July 13, I need to fly stand-by on the Other airline back to the Chicagoland area. I will then have 2 weeks to complete the first quarter planning before our school year begins. That'd be year 8 here on the homefront.
Below are the subjects we aim to pursue. We'll continue notebooking through Physics from our Elemental Science work four years ago with the Noeo Logos teaching plans. We add quizes, timelines, literature studies and hands-on activities to our SOTW4: Modern Age (1850-present day) binder. We get to add grammar in the form of Editor in Chief program. G2 and G3 will begin Student Writing Intensive level B and G1 will perfect this writing program with in depth research along the Excellence in Writing format. Each student will continue in their Saxon math challenges. Our 3Gs really enjoyed the soft pastel art lessons from Nana at HodgePodge Art and will continue those until January. We've decided to start the third pass through each of the world's nation flags with the same continent and the same questions to answer. G1 will continue his French studies with French in Action for the first 13 lessons this school year as a goal using the website, text and workbook. G2 and G3 will review their First Start French materials from Memoria Press and aim to finish the entire book for the school year. G2 is determined to continue studying German (still working on the materials for this goal), and will tackle the Greek materials from Memoria Press as well. Finally, each has their own Latin goal. G1 will continue with Logic study in The Thinking Toolbox, and G2/G3 will work through The Fallacy Detective.
Bible & Health | G2 Math EIC IEW | G3 Math EIC IEW | G1 Math EIC IEW | SOTW4 | Art Music Appre | Flags- Geography | noeo science-Physics 3 | Band | G1 French ForLang, Latin, Logic | G2 Greek German French Latin Logic | G3 French Latin Logic |
All three will continue studying music with band. There are plans for G1's participation in an elementary Turkish class, but nothing is finalized yet. His goal is to be able to communicate for survival in an summer student exchange next year. The Turkish may help him as well as his French. Our Bible studies will follow a Community Bible Study format through the "Return to Jerusalem" syllabus.