Protestant Rebellions (Oh good, a review of who is fighting who)
The Dutch Revolt
Kindle Readings: Synge Awakening of Europe: Story of the Netherlands, Brave Little Holland, A Wealth of Herrings, Beggars of the Sea, The Massacre of Bartholomew, The Siege of Leyden, William the Silent, The House of Orange, William's Invitation
Guerber Story of the Thirteen Colonies: Ch. XVIII, The French in Canada, Spain, Netherlands. 1579. Ch. XIX, French and Spanish Quarrels. Ch. XX, The Sky City. Ch. XXI, Around the World
Along with this reading we created a venn diagram compare/contrast William and Philip.
In conjunction with art, we read Mike Venezia's Rembrandt.
The Queen Without a Country (And another bonus is a review of why John Knox is important to good Scottish stock.)
Kindle Reading and Narration:
Synge Awakening of Europe: England, Elizabeth's Sailors, Drake's Voyage round the World, The Great Armada, The Golden Days of Good Queen Bess, First Voyage of the East India Company, The Dutch at Sea.
Guerber Story of the Thirteen Colonies: Ch. XXII, Nothing But Smoke, Scotland. 1587
Encyclopedia References:
Usborne pages: Pgs. 310-311; The Rise of the Dutch
KHE pages: Pgs. 228-229; Dutch Independence 1477-1648
KHE pages: Pgs. 210-211; Tudor England 1485-1603
The SOTW3 student guide recommended reading Always Room for One More by Sorche Nic Leodhas. I read The Wheel on the School by DeJong when these three were in 2nd and 3rd grades, so I was able to narrate back to them about each part of the book. The discussions were fun and enticed us to go to Europe again soon, and maybe even look for storks, and find heather on the moors with bagpipes in the wind.
Chemistry study found us with the same sources this week and the task to READ and SKETCHaRESPONSE from: HSW: inside and atom, elements and compounds
Kindle: Wonder Book of Chemistry, Chapter 3 (The Slice of Toast) and Chapter 4 (Simple Substances) [PLUS WE USE EVERNOTE TO NARRATE ALOUD ABOUT THIS SOURCE]
Hands of a Child Notebook with questions: Atoms, Molecules, Bonding, Changing Molecules, Elements. DK Chemistry pages 8 and 9;;". EXPERIMENT OF YOUR CHOOSING found G3 freezing a water balloon, G2 discussing the product packaging in the grocery store and
Math, Grammar and Spelling went right along schedule. G1 reviewed French lesson 2 and Latin lessons 3 and 4 seamlessly. He also managed the logic in lesson 2 of Fallacy Detective. Flag study, habitat study, Illinois state study and art were done with much less stress than any other time - ever.
Below you see Grampa telling the 3Gs why this tractor was sitting on 3 pop bottles with the engine running and wheels engaged... That was quite a story about this 1938 John Deer tractor!

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