It was the right time to
pursue Latin study for him.
He thoroughly enjoyed it this time. No prodding from the parents was necessary. He used a block of time on Mondays for Latin, French and Logic. Mondays go so smoothly this school year, and I'm glad of it. I'm also glad that he will work with the Daddy on his Latin because it helps the Daddy review what he was taught.
Congrats on finishing! We're doing Latin here as well and it honestly hurts my brain. So glad I got the dvds to do this because I wouldn't have a clue. Are you planning to use First Form Latin next?
Tonia, we started Christiana Latina II last week and will carry on from there. I'm hoping to talk with the Memoria Press folks in April at CVG-GHC about the patch between Christiana Latina II and the next piece. It's been working well, but my kids are glad to be done with the DVDs for now b/c of Mrs. Lowe's accent. I'm calling spelling done after they've finished Spelling Workout H, and now using Editor in Chief to practice grammar, spelling etc. and IEW to practice the whole lot in addition to cross-curricular history and science writing. G1 finished Rod and Staff English 6 this week too. Never thought we'd get here. Looking forward to more Latin and gobs more French from Memoria Press for now, maybe French in Action or travel to French-speaking countries.
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