Week Ten 2013-14 Highlights
Ice skating
flag football
hayrack ride
Lego perfecting
trip with the Daddy
G#3 finishes Saxon Math 6/5

The Western War
The Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648
Synge AofE: Thirty Years of War, Dutch at Sea
Guerber Story of the Thirteen Colonies: Ch. XXXII, The Beginning of Boston, 1623-1636
PAST FACT: 1642, Cardinal Richelieu dies
1648, The Treaty of Westphalia ends the Thirty Years' War
Gombrich, Living History of the World: Ch30 Terrible Times
Haaren, Famous Men of Modern Times: Wallenstein, Gustavus Adolphus, Cardinal Richelieu,
Stories from German History. 86% Section: The Thirty Years’ War
Have you ever thought seriously how your family tree intersects with History? We know that four of the Mommy's sixteen great-great grandparents came from Sweden. We also know that several of the same generation on the Daddy's side came from Germany. Those people were from the 1800s, but 200 years before, their great-great grandparents may have been fighting each other or side by side in the Thirty Years' War with Gustafus, Wallenstein and the like.
More School Stuff: Science
Tiner, Exploring the World of Chemistry Ch 4: Gases in
the Air gases in air, periodic table 28
Kindle: Wonder Book of Chemistry, Chap 17 (At
the Blacksmith's) and Chap 18 (Hydrogen)https://www.khanacademy.org/science/chemistry/periodic-table-trends-bonding/v/groups-of-the-periodic-table ALKALINE EARTH METALS GROUP http://www.rsc.org/chemsoc/visualelements/pages/data/intro_groupii_data.html
Hands of a ChildNotebook with questions: DEFINE: Compound, Solder, Precious Metals
Why was salt so important throughout history in war times?
Activity 7 – Magnet Test
DK Chemistry pages 22-23
Above is a clip including all the events of history taking place around the world during the Thirty Years' War in Europe. This is a fascinating website from http://www.hyperhistory.com that delves as deep into varying topics as you'd like to go. It's interesting to see this cross-section and realize how big the World is. Of course, Australia and Tasmania were always there, it's just that some western folk discovered them.
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