But, I've placed the Student Writing Intensive version B in front of G1 this week, and he zoomed through the first TWO weeks of work. He loves the check-list for grading and expectations. He enjoys the animated DVD presentation from Mr. Andrew.

I didn't receive any part of TWSS or SWI-B for free in order to write about it. I paid exactly what most people pay when they order from the IEW website, but I didn't buy it until the Logic Stage of our Classical education schedule. You see, I was not buying teacher materials for history or science, so was able to afford the HUGE investment for WRITING. IT'S THAT IMPORTANT.

So, when we spend lots of time reading/listening to materials for history and science, the narration exercises we commence with help organize what we learned from the materials and how we can use it in the future. IEW encourages me to use this material too as we continue the never-ending mission to WRITE and learn to Write better (even in a formulaic manner - it's better than hitting the "I can't do it" wall). Someday, these 3Gs will look back on it and be grateful for the foundation. Right now, G1 enjoys exercising the writing muscles. G1 above with first draft (chicken scratched) and final draft typed.
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