Saturday, October 23, 2010

October was Busy

October is almost over. We've made a Native American Indian costume for our Indian Princess (pictures later). We've visited a fire station during Fire Prevention Month.   We learned that it is ok to call the 911 number for emergencies and that firemen all dressed up in their protective gear are ok to help us in an emergency.

  There was a friend's birthday party in the park with kickball. We haven't played that much organized kickball and it was a blast!  The home school family nearby held their annual bonfire in their backyard for many folks.  And we got to play in the dark with many friends. Then we made s'mores. We were all very tired after that trip.

We went to the corn maze again this year and found new stuff to enjoy.  Yes, that is a concrete culvert that was made into a platform for the slide from a home store.  The remainder of the sides were stabilized by wood chips.  A wonderful season of soccer was enjoyed by all 3Gs on the same team with a favorite coach.  There was raking and jumping on the neighbor's trampoline. It was a good month.

We got to have another French lesson at our tutor's home which included playtime with her son who is also the same age as these 3Gs. And finally, we got to visit the water treatment plant with another friend's dad who works there.  He took several hours to teach our whole family important lessons about our finite amount of water resource we have and how it is treated with several different systems after people in this city use it.

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