Friday, March 23, 2012

Back in the Saddle Again

It's spring and difficult to focus on school. AWANA Games came along to rescue us this week. All three Gs are busy each evening this week preparing for all the physical competition involved.  A big thank you to their adult team leaders as I praise God for them everyday. What wonderful examples for my kids to see.

Otherwise, we commenced with Bible study, math, spelling (G#1 nailed his pretest and put away spelling for the week), grammar, history (boys on gladiators and girl on Punic Wars), science (reptiles), flags (North AND South Korea), habitat and band practice.  We listened to the second chapter of Famous Men of Rome and reviewed the SOTW Ch23 Greek and roman mythology names. 

Primer was applied to the garage door and the Daddy traveled to the left coast for work.  I got to the Goodwill donation center with 3 large trash bags of stuff that needed to go (PURGED). It doesn't seem like we just had a two week break. Maybe the end of our school year will sneak up on us, and we'll be done with 5th and 4th grades!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

What a VIEW!

G#3:  I can see forever on one of Brighton's ski runs. What a day!
(and he grew 2" taller on this trip.
Then he came home, edited, printed, finished HIS narrations
from the Roman Mysteries series-all of them)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

G#1 & friend @ Monterey Bay Aquarium

Monterey Bay Aquarium was a nice place, but last year's trip to UCSC Seymour Center was better, if you can believe it!

Highway One Drive South of Monterey, CA

G#1 & mom at the Pacific Ocean w/ friends.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


G#3 says that he'd prefer a stay-cation instead of trying to get on the plane. But, he's not complaining as he plays with his sister and cousin in Salt Lake City today under Gramma and Papa's guidance. 

G#1 is happy enough to stay-cate at home as he reviews the Star Wars Episode One and keeps up on his yoga with the Wii today. He also started to read The Bronze Bow today after he finished learning about events which take place a little later in history with the Roman Mysteries

I'm reading a book along with the daddy for a source of discussion about something besides kids, work and life. Live From Jordan is proving to give us something to discuss that we have in common.  Something to read while we commence our travel tomorrow is helpful also, because we never know how long we'll be in the airport waiting for seats to open up on a plane. 

But for now, no school work is being done.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Checking In with Weekly Report

Ok, so y'all are always posting weekly accomplishments and I'm the sluggard who is just trying to keep up on who ate last and who is going where. So, here is a run down or sum up of what point we are in the schedule for 4th and 5th grades. 

G#2 started a week earlier than her brothers because she was ready while they were still playing with legos until noon back in August. She is completing Week 26 of an approximately 40 week schedule for 4th grade.  She read and finished all the sources for the Story of the World chapter 28 about the Roman Empire. She enjoyed a video about Ancient Roman art from Harmony Arts Mom's 5th grade plans.  She learned some new words from Spelling Workout lesson 26.  She is done with Rod and Staff English 5 lesson 56 and Saxon 5/4 lesson 73.  She survived flute in homeschool band for week 18 along with her brothers as well as read about Mongolia after moving all the way East in Asia from the Mediterranean Sea.  Her habitat studies have her and her brothers in the rainforest with the Hands of a Child crew answering a question in paragraph format regarding why the rainforest is a great place for animals to live.  She was especially grateful for poor weather this week as it was the Elemental Science Logic Stage Life Science week for Amphibians and a frog dissection. The dissection which needs to be done outside was postponed until better weather hits the Chicagoland area.  Our CBS lessons took us to Genesis 33 and it was a nice change to have more action from Bible study.

G#1&#3 both sailed through the same habitat, flags, CBS, science and art lessons. They both have their own grammar, spelling and math lessons which keep them busy.  History finds them in chapter 25 of SOTW and notebook pages from our 2009 Rome field trip were completed with pictures of each kid in historic locales.  G#1 finished reading the final book of the Roman Mysteries and wrote a short narration to complete his collection which will get printed out and placed in his history binder.

We were all active for gym time on Tuesday and enjoyed time with friends on the ice for homeschool kids ice skating time.  So much activity is initiated around here from time off the couch while playing the Wii games.  I actually allowed a library Wii game after each G completed the winter reading program from our local library on Wednesday. I'm so glad for the freedom to move in and out of the library during a regular school day.