Monday, April 27, 2009

Sunday afternoon choir ensemble in Wheaton

My home schooled children have never seen a graduation ceremony, or rather suffered through the high school band dirge of pomp and circumstance. We will help with a graduation in June held in the burbs and that will be remedied. My kids who live a long distance away from extended family had not attended a funeral. Well, we did get to Iowa to attend my cousin's memorial, but there was no "viewing" because she had died while living in Arizona in February. I don't like the "viewing" and will probably not subject my kids to that if it is my decision. So, finally, there was the regular chorus concerts that we did in elementary school maybe twice a year to show our parents that music class was a good thing. Well, that is not an option with home schooled kids either. EXCEPT when a wonderful lady at New Church invited us to a large group choral performance yesterday that was an EPIPHANY for my children. They didn't suffer in pain and they may have even enjoyed the music because it was after all, very - well maybe electric, for the older crowd attending. It was definitely right up there with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir which is large, well done and older music. I enjoyed it better too at the 100 year old church in Wheaton. So there, it's not about checking the blocks, but it was important.

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