Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday with Community Bible Study

CBS is a hit! I'm looking forward to this outlet for my kids to visit with other home schooled kids in a lesson setting. I've been reluctant to do co-ops because they usually cost so much and really didn't cover materials that I couldn't already do myself or with the Daddy's help. But, this group of kids made such a fun time that we went on a picnic afterwards at a nearby park. Where, my kids met a Turkish lady and her child playing on the slides. I wasn't bothered when my little girl was talking away with a strange lady in a brightly colored scarf covering her head because I knew that she was familiar with people who lived that way. But then one of the boys mentioned that the lady was from Istanbul and G#2 was telling her about the summer trip to Turkiye. I had to meet her and tell her how wonderful it was to meet her. I spoke Turkish just about as well has her little boy, but I had a few words that I remembered. I hope we find more Turkish people in the area again soon.

She looked hot in the sunshine and I remembered that it was Ramadan and she wasn't allowed water or lunch. She excused herself and said that she needed to get the little son to his lunch, but I prayed for her that we didn't keep her too long in the sunshine and she didn't get sick later in the day.

Speaking of sick today, my oldest got to wondering around in a little woodsy place and found some bees. His cohort got many stings and my son only the one, but you'd have thought he was going to croak! Well, we learned many lessons today including some about life and the Bible.

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