Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Final G Skip Counts by Three

We continue to practice multiplication tables while sitting before a meal or riding in the van. They don't breathe out the answer yet, but soon.

Semi-sequitor, we listened to the a tape recording of The Courage of Sarah Noble on the long drive to CBS, Community Bible Study, this week and my kids were rivoted to how Sarah Noble clung to her courage during the trip with her dad into the colonial wilderness.

BTW, did you know that there is enough iron in Mini Wheats cereal to move around with a magnet?


MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

are you kidding about the mini-wheats thing? hmmm... i don't think i have any in the pantry right now. but i am VERY curious indeed!

Unknown said...

The Fizz book said to use TOTAL cereal, but that wasn't on the pantry shelf. So, I used the highest daily allowance Fe content and it did work. THe kids said that they saw the iron on the cereal pieces, but without a microscope, I'm not sure of it.

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